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10 Active 1 Active Under Contract 22 Sold 33 Total

Property Type: Condo & Townhouse | Status: Active, In Escrow, Sold 6 Months | Region: Kailua | List Price Minimum: $798,400 | List Price Maximum: $1,197,600

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Legend Comp Status Current
Tax Fees Month Region Neighborhood Building Address Condition Sold
Beds Baths Park DOM List Date Living
Sq Ft
Lanai Pets Owner
FL Year
View Frontage Parking Elementary Junior High Zoning
1 FSComp Active $850,000 $868,000 $206$1,311 $6,576 KailuaKailua TownWindward Cove 1020 Aoloa Place 311B Above Average, Average 32/0217608-22-20241,320$644395Yes69%31980$955,900$258,300$697,60089%GardenAssigned, Covered - 1, Open - 112 - A-2
2 FS|OH|WF|LPComp Active $855,000 $855,000 $261$1,311 $6,661 KailuaKailua TownWindward Cove 1020 Aoloa Place 109B Excellent 32/02302-11-20251,200$713120Yes69%11980$902,900$277,200$625,70095%GardenLake/Pond, WaterfrontAssigned, Covered - 1, Open - 1, Tandem12 - A-2
3 FS|OH|MV|LP|SCComp Active $859,000 $859,000 $232$1,252 $6,596 KailuaKailua TownWindward Harbour 1030 Aoloa Place 207B Excellent, Above Average 32/02102-13-20251,200$716120Yes49%21980$912,600$284,800$627,80094%Garden, Marina/Canal, MountainLake/Pond, Stream/CanalAssigned, Covered - 1, Garage, Guest, Open - 1, Secured Entry, Street, TandemKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
4 FS|OH|MVComp Active $865,000 $865,000 $200$1,282 $6,630 KailuaEnchanted LakeLakeview 1220 Akipohe Street 1B Excellent 32/022201-23-20251,345$643156Yes71%119802008$804,600$165,000$639,600108%Garden, MountainAssigned, Covered - 1, Guest, Open - 105 - R-5
5 FS|OV|MVComp Active $875,000 $950,000 $282$1,356 $6,846 KailuaKailua TownWindward Passage 322 Aoloa Street 612 Above Average 32/0226205-28-20241,244$70398Yes49%61979$965,700$125,300$840,40091%City, Garden, Marina/Canal, Mountain, Ocean, SunsetOtherAssigned, Covered - 1, Garage, Guest, Open - 1, Secured Entry, StreetKailuaKailuaKailua12 - A-2
6 FS|OV|MVComp Active $875,000 $875,000 $238$972 $6,418 KailuaKailua TownWindward Passage 322 Aoloa Street 1107 Above Average 22/029711-09-2024964$90892Yes39%1119792024$812,400$104,400$708,000108%Coastline, Mountain, Ocean, SunriseOtherCovered - 2, Garage, Guest, Secured Entry12 - A-2
7 FSComp Active $885,000 $885,000 $242$1,130 $6,639 KailuaKailua TownWindward Passage 322 Aoloa Street 907 Average 22/0210610-31-2024964$91892Yes40%91979$830,800$104,400$726,400107%GardenAssigned, Covered - 2, TandemKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
8 FS|OV|MVComp Active $898,000 $898,000 $270$972 $6,586 KailuaKailua TownWindward Passage 322 Aoloa Street 1305 Excellent 22/0221307-16-2024964$93292Yes54%131979$842,400$104,400$738,000107%Coastline, Mountain, Ocean, SunriseOtherAssigned, Covered - 1, Open - 1, Secured EntryKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
9 FS|OVComp Active $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $269$972 $8,085 KailuaKailua TownWindward Passage 322 Aoloa Street PH-9 Excellent 22/0219708-01-2024956$1,20392Yes54%1819792024$839,100$104,400$734,700137%City, Coastline, OceanOtherAssigned, Secured EntryKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
10 FS|MVComp Active $1,175,000 $1,325,000 $313$731 $8,037 KailuaKukilakilaKukilakila 599 Keolu Drive B Excellent, Above Average 32/1412910-08-20241,380$851336Yes76%11973$1,134,200$397,100$737,100104%Mountain, Sunrise, SunsetOtherGarage, Guest, Open - 2, StreetKaelepuluKailuaKailua05 - R-5
11 FS|LPComp Contract $850,000 $875,000 $213$1,311 $6,583 KailuaKailua TownWindward Cove 1020 Aoloa Place 208A Above Average 32/029610-19-20241,200$708120Yes69%21980$891,200$258,300$632,90095%GardenLake/PondCovered - 2, Guest, Street12 - A-2
12 FSComp Sold $962,000 $962,000 $266$1,311 $7,302 KailuaKailua TownWindward Cove 1020 Aoloa Place 409A Excellent, Above Average $950,00002-03-20257499%32/022811-21-20241,240$766390Yes69%419802024$911,200$258,300$652,900104%GardenOtherAssigned, Covered - 1, Guest, Open - 1, TandemKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
13 FSComp Sold $988,000 $988,000 $122$465 $6,467 KailuaKukilakilaKukilakila 531 Keolu Drive D Above Average $975,00001-21-202511699%22/025909-27-2024931$1,047315Yes76%119742023$860,700$416,000$444,700113%NoneCovered - 2, Garage, StreetKaelepuluKailuaKailua05 - R-5
14 FS|MVComp Sold $820,000 $820,000 $241$1,137 $6,258 KailuaKailua TownWindward Harbour 1030 Aoloa Place 110B Above Average $800,00001-16-20257198%32/024011-06-20241,200$667120Yes51%11980$824,800$265,400$559,40097%Garden, Mountain, SunriseAssigned, Covered - 2, Garage, Secured EntryKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
15 FS|MVComp Sold $1,099,000 $1,130,000 $360$771 $7,672 KailuaKailua TownKa Malanai At Kailua 471 Kailua Road 3306 Excellent $1,040,00001-16-202514195%22/0210108-28-20241,270$819107No43%42014$1,089,600$212,300$877,30095%Garden, MountainCovered - 2, Guest12 - A-2
16 FS|MVComp Sold $1,120,000 $1,120,000 $415$771 $7,852 KailuaKailua TownKa Malanai At Kailua 361 Kailua Road 8205 Excellent $1,090,00001-10-20256597%22/021411-06-20241,270$8580No43%22014$1,086,000$200,800$885,200100%Mountain, SunriseAssigned, Covered - 2, Guest12 - A-2
17 FS|MVComp Sold $799,000 $835,000 $224$1,007 $5,986 KailuaAikahi ParkAikahi Gardens 126 Noke Street 504 Above Average $799,00012-27-202466100%32/125510-22-20241,300$6150Yes74%219712019$767,400$271,400$496,000104%Coastline, Mountain, SunriseOtherAssigned, Guest, Open - 203 - R10
18 FS|OV|MVComp Sold $1,125,000 $1,200,000 $340$1,167 $8,202 KailuaKailua TownWindward Passage 322 Aoloa Street 1402 Excellent $1,100,00012-10-202420998%32/0216805-15-20241,286$85598Yes51%1419792024$1,008,600$125,300$883,300109%Mountain, Ocean, SunriseCovered - 2, Street12 - A-2
19 FSComp Sold $1,110,000 $1,110,000 $425$784 $7,815 KailuaKailua TownKa Malanai at Kailua 455 Kailua Road 4308 Excellent $1,050,00012-06-202413795%22/0210807-22-20241,287$816116Yes67%32014$1,096,700$216,300$880,40096%GardenAssigned, Covered - 2, Garage, GuestKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
20 FS|OV|MVComp Sold $875,000 $925,000 $217$1,124 $6,549 KailuaEnchanted LakeLakeview 1148C Akipohe Street 17C Excellent $870,00012-04-20245899%32/023010-07-20241,345$647156Yes71%01980$861,200$165,000$696,200101%Garden, Mountain, OceanAssigned, Covered - 1, Open - 105 - R-5
Legend Comp Status Current
Tax Fees Month Region Neighborhood Building Address Condition Sold
Beds Baths Park DOM List Date Living
Sq Ft
Lanai Pets Owner
FL Year
View Frontage Parking Elementary Junior High Zoning
21 FS|MVComp Sold $995,000 $1,058,000 $277$798 $6,997 KailuaKailua TownKa Malanai At Kailua 455 Kailua Road 4203 Excellent $995,00011-27-2024112100%22/028208-07-20241,349$73877Yes42%22014$1,107,600$236,300$871,30090%MountainOtherAssigned, Covered - 2, Guest12 - A-2
22 FS|MVComp Sold $840,000 $840,000 $141$903 $6,043 KailuaAikahi ParkAikahi Gardens 316-1 Molo Street 1801 Excellent, Above Average $840,00011-08-202445100%32/02809-24-20241,307$643304Yes74%119712024$754,000$272,600$481,400111%Garden, MountainAssigned, Guest, Open - 2AikahiKailuaKalaheo03 - R10
23 FS|MVComp Sold $990,000 $990,000 $223$465 $6,580 KailuaKukilakilaKukilakila 531 Keolu Drive H Excellent $1,010,00011-06-202453102%21/12509-14-20241,113$907135Yes77%11974$885,900$416,000$469,900114%Garden, MountainGarageKaelepuluKailuaKailua05 - R-5
24 FSComp Sold $848,000 $875,000 $219$816 $6,082 KailuaKailua TownGardenia Manor 333 Aoloa Street 233 Above Average, Average $860,00011-04-202476101%32/024108-20-20241,124$765892Yes55%219742001$751,400$216,300$535,100114%GardenAssigned, Covered - 2, Guest, Street12 - A-2
25 FS|MVComp Sold $800,000 $898,000 $127$1,311 $6,199 KailuaKailua TownWindward Cove 1020 Aoloa Place 403A Average $785,00010-28-202414398%32/0210906-07-20241,240$633390Yes69%41980$867,400$258,300$609,10091%Garden, MountainAssigned, Covered - 1, Garage, Guest, Open - 1, Secured Entry, TandemKailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
26 FS|MV|SCComp Sold $945,000 $945,000 $253$1,399 $7,276 KailuaKailua TownWindward Harbour 1030 Aoloa Place 301A Excellent $935,00010-25-20247199%32/021908-15-20241,675$558525Yes50%31980$937,500$326,500$611,000100%Garden, Mountain, Sunrise, SunsetStream/CanalCovered - 2KailuaKailuaKalaheo12 - A-2
27 FSComp Sold $850,000 $850,000 $176$1,065 $6,300 KailuaKailua TownGardenia Manor 333 Aoloa Street 317 Above Average $854,00010-21-202438100%32/12909-13-20241,467$582257Yes55%31974$844,900$282,300$562,600101%Garden, OtherAssigned, Covered - 2, Guest12 - A-2
28 FSComp Sold $830,000 $850,000 $222$946 $6,108 KailuaKailua TownGardenia Manor 333 Aoloa Street 408 Average $785,00009-25-202410395%32/026306-14-20241,303$602149Yes55%41974$762,800$250,800$512,000103%NoneAssigned, Covered - 2, Guest12 - A-2
29 FS|WF|LPComp Sold $897,000 $925,000 $219$1,311 $6,868 KailuaKailua TownWindward Cove 1020 Aoloa Place 205A Excellent, Above Average $897,00009-20-202427100%32/02708-24-20241,200$748120Yes69%21980$771,200$258,300$632,900116%GardenLake/Pond, Other, WaterfrontAssigned, Covered - 2, Guest, Secured Entry12 - A-2
30 FS|OV|MVComp Sold $835,000 $835,000 $237$1,124 $6,331 KailuaEnchanted LakeLakeview 1130A Akipohe Street 16A Above Average $835,00009-06-202460100%32/02707-08-20241,355$616268Yes71%11980$813,300$165,000$648,300103%Garden, Mountain, OceanAssigned, Covered - 1, Guest, Open - 105 - R-5
31 FSComp Sold $1,130,000 $1,130,000 $346$771 $7,842 KailuaKailua TownKa Malanai At Kailua 501 Kailua Road 1106 Excellent $1,115,00009-04-20243099%22/021308-05-20241,270$878107Yes43%12014$1,075,600$212,300$863,300104%GardenCovered - 2, Guest12 - A-2
32 FSComp Sold $998,000 $998,000 $251$465 $6,656 KailuaKukilakilaKukilakila 531 Keolu Drive E Above Average $998,00008-30-202446100%21/121807-15-2024931$1,072315Yes82%119742024$860,700$416,000$444,700116%NoneCovered - 2, Garage, Guest, Street05 - R-5
33 FS|MVComp Sold $1,069,000 $1,100,000 $216$1,051 $7,629 KailuaKailua TownGardenia Manor 333 Aoloa Street 339 Excellent $990,00008-15-20247393%32/122906-03-20241,447$684289Yes55%319742023$841,500$278,500$563,000118%Garden, Mountain, SunsetAssigned, Covered - 2, Guest, Street12 - A-2


DOM Days on Market until in escrow.
Up to 30 Days on Market Light Green
31 to 60 Days on Market Pink
Over 60 Days on Market Yellow
Active Available for sale - Under or equal to 10 Days on Market.
Active Available for sale - Over 10 Days on Market.
Contract In escrow but still showing and looking for backup offers.
Pending In escrow and not looking for backup offers and possibly closing soon.
Sold Not available for sale.
Cancelled The seller canceled the listing contract. Not available for sale.
Expired The listing contract expired. Might still be in escrow.
Hold Active listing that is paused. Does not accrue Days on Market.
FS Fee Simple - you own the land.
LH Leasehold - you do not own the land, you are leasing it. Learn more about Leasehold
OH Open House - Upcoming Open House
FC Foreclosure - Bank owned.
SS Short Sale - needs lender approval to sell for less than the mortgage balance.
SU Subject to replacement property. Seller must find a replacement property to close.
OV Ocean View
MV Mountain View
CPR Condo - read about Condominium Property Regimes
PL Pool - Example: Above Ground, Heated, In Ground, Spa/HotTub, Tile, Pool on Property, Community Association Pool
BF Beachfront
OF Oceanfront