Here is how it works.
1. Fill out the form below. The price and down payment are the most important parts of the offer. An agreement can normally be reached on the other terms, but if you can't reach an agreement on price than nothing else matters.
2. We will contact the listing agent to see if they have any other offers or have received some in the past and advise you accordingly.
3. We will Email you the complete offer for your online signature which only takes seconds to do. To help you understand your offer please see our Webpage that goes over the most important contingencies.
4. We will submit the signed offer to the seller. The seller will either accept it, counter it, or reject it.
Are there any risks?
There is no risk. All of our offers have a 12 day inspection period after acceptance. During this period you can cancel for any reason, so there is never a risk should you change your mind during the first 12 days. You can also do a Professional Home Inspection during this period and cancel if you do not like the results.
In addition, you have 7 days from the day you receive the Disclosure to review it and cancel if you don't like what they disclosed.
Are you pre-approved?
All offers should also include a pre-qual or pre-approval from a lender. A pre-qual takes just 10 minutes on the phone with a lender. A pre-approval takes longer as they do a credit check among other things. A pre-approval is stronger than a pre-qual because your credit is actually checked.
If you are working with a lender please have them Email me a pre-qual or pre-approval. If you are not working with a lender yet please contact one of our recommended lenders.
Online Offer Form for 4730 Halehoola Place